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NeuroCranial Restructuring Testimonials
“In 1996 I met Dr Dean Howell ND while I was a massage therapist. I consulted with him and decided that I needed NCR. After my very first treatment I was free of head pressure for the first night in many years. After finishing my four-day session, I knew that NCR was going to change my life. My head pressure was fully relieved after 3 sessions, and shortly there after I went to work with Dr Howell as his first personal assistant.
Today I am a Naturopathic Doctor because of NCR- I have seen it change the lives of thousands of children, adults, families, and communities, giving new hope to many, who, like me, who felt they would never be helped.
I hope to help you experience the great benefits that I have!”
“For more than a decade I’d been referring patients to Dr. Lampers for NCR. I’d seen my patients get great results. So after struggling with snoring for many years, I decided it was time for me to get NCR too. The snoring was affecting my relationship as my wife was unable to sleep in the same room with me, and breathing in general was becoming harder. I’d tried Breathe Right strips, mouth guards and breathing exercises to reduce the snoring. While some things I tried provided temporary relief, nothing took the snoring away and I was still waking up multiple times a night. I couldn’t get a full, restful night’s sleep. After the first day of NCR, I was breathing noticeably easier than I had in years, and I noted an overall sense of wellbeing. After the first four day session, my energy was improved and my sleep became deeper and more refreshing. Surprisingly, my standing posture even improved. After returning home, my wife noted very minimal snoring, and we are now back to sleeping in the same bed! I’ve now had two NCR sessions which has been incredible for my overall health. Breathing correctly and without effort is such a great feeling, and I would highly recommend NCR to anyone considering other treatments for snoring, sleep apnea, or other nasal breathing difficulty. Dr. Hillary is a true expert in her field, I only wish I would have done the NCR sooner. ”
“Dr. Lampers and Neuro-Cranial Medicine saved my life. I could barely walk or sit or sleep. The pain was diagnosed as “Chronic Pain” from a previous car accident. Plus I have always suffered from migraine headaches, chronic sinus problems as a result of head trauma from falls during my childhood. My balance was impaired and my quality of life was non-existent. I was sleep deprived and depressed.
I can now breathe better, my chronic hip and back pain are gone, my headaches are improved, and I can sleep through the night without tossing and turning. Dr. Lampers is my angel. The procedure is amazing, easy and energizing as well as non-chemical.”
“I had a 47-degree curve in my spine, from a head injury as a child resulting in pretty constant pain and difficulty breathing. I’ve spent my life addressing this pain with chiropractic, yoga, and massage but always felt that I had to keep it up or I would back slide. NCR changed my life. I am pain free most of the time, can take long walks without my pelvis hurting and the body work Dr Lampers does to accompany the NCR is extraordinarily helpful. I can breath easily from both nostrils and sleep so much better than before. Dr Lampers is kind and gentle, and was fabulous at leading me through my fears of this therapy. I believe she was put here to help people, and the medium she has chosen is perfect for her. I have never felt better and for this I am deeply grateful!”
“When I consider the dire straits that led me to NCR, I can’t imagine my life without it. It has allowed me to experience something closer to my optimal structure, and the treatment’s side “effects” are amazing:
no more hip pain, good facial alignment, the ability to turn my neck freely, and yes, better coordination—a knowing of where my center is. People cannot understand why I look so young and happy at the age of 52—the years of pain and struggle have vanished and I believe it is the more relaxed nature of my face and body that gives the illusion of youth. The fact that I am a much nicer and happier person than I was before doesn’t hurt either.”
“After having NCR treatments my daughter now is mostly pain free, is riding horses again, and is involved in martial arts but most importantly she is happy. She is no longer being constantly reminded of her scoliosis by painful doctor visits, painful exercises and strict guidelines and her curves have reduced a visible amount.
I feel very blessed to have found NCR. Hillary is an angel who came into our lives and did what everyone told me was impossible, she helped my baby, she saved her from a very painful surgery, she helped her to be a very happy and healthy 14 year old who can now go weeks without even thinking about scoliosis.. she can now just be a kid!! ”
“Migraines that crippled me with pain up to six-days a week - sent me home from work when a cookie offered at lunch-break unexpectedly contained artificial sweetener and blind-sided me with pain 20-minutes later; kept me in bed on Saturday mornings when my family went out to play; caused me to medicate and then grin-and-bear-it through a dinner date to not miss a rare opportunity to be alone with my spouse...(after NCR) I knew I was profoundly changed - for the light no longer caused me to cringe. The exposed bulb in the simplest of lamps no longer held the power of Kryptonite to bring me to my knees in fear of another migraine.
The glimmer of hope grew to the beginnings of a dream for what the second forty-years of my life might look like without chronic pain. Thank you, Hillary, for sharing your gift of healing with me.”
“The results from NCR encompass comprehensive healing of the entire body. I not only feel amazing but I can see the results every time I look in the mirror. Thank you so much Dr. Hillary!!!
“I have to say that even after the first treatment I was able to breath out of the left side of my nose for the first time in years!! After the 3rd treatment I felt my shoulders rolling back and everything coming back into alignment. This was an amazing experience for me. I have been in constant pain for over 3 years and now it was almost gone. I really feel things moving in my body, it’s just incredible.
These ladies not only spent quality time with me but they really cared. ”